Senayan Square Complex

Waterproofing Project

Senayan Square Complex

3CC System
15,054 m3
AQUAPEL 10 & 12 System
3,289 m3

SENAYAN SQUARE COMPLEX is a mixed use development in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. The owner together with their consultants and contractors were previously using membrane but were convinced to use CEMENTAID Hydrophobic Pore-blocking Ingredients (HPI) since 1996 up to 2024. The owner is satisfied with the performance of HPI products since 1996 and continuously the reliable HPI until the last building was constructed in 2012. The owner is particularly happy because they were able to complete the projects much faster as time consuming membrane applications were eliminated. The owner realized additional income due to early completion of apartments, office towers, hotel, car park buildings and Department Store. The contractor also saved operational expenses due to shorter construction period. After completing Fairmont Hotel last 2012, the owner still wants to use HPI products for their project in Myanmar as Senayan Square Complex has no more vacant space. The following are the building structures which had used HPI Systems.

Living Zone (Towers I & II), Business Zone and Annex, Office Tower I, Senayan Square Department Store and Car Park, Living Zone (Swimming Pool), Water Feature Basin (Fountain), Office Tower I, II & III, Apartment Tower C & D and Car Park Building & Fairmont Hotel and Car Park Building.


Kajima Design

Project Architect

PT. Anggara Architeam


Kajima Design

PT. Wiratman & Associates


PT. Kajima Indonesia


PT. Senayan Trikarya Sempana

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