“All concrete (state section) shall be waterproofed by the addition of Cementaid HYDROPHOBIC POREBLOCKING INGREDIENT(HPI) named REDSEAL 2 CGW System, in such a way that the concrete shall have a corrected 30 minute water absorption of not greater than 2.50 % as measured by BS 1881:Part 122:1983 except that the age at test shall be 7 days and shall complying with the REDSEAL 2 CGW System minimum requirement stipulated below. The dosage of REDSEAL 2 CGW shall be at the rate of 2 liters per cubic meter of concrete and shall be combined with Hyperplasticiser (SPC203) at 2.00 liter/m3 of concrete, so that the resulting (water+2)/cement ratio shall not be more than 0.40 and that the REDSEAL 2 CGW concrete slump prior to dosing SPC203 ranges from 6 to 8 cm and the slump prior to placing REDSEAL 2 CGW concrete should be at 12 cm to 16 cm. REDSEAL 2 CGW concrete shall be cured using Cementaid CALCURE B*R at a rate of 1 liter per 5 to 8 m2.”

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