“All concrete (specify section) over non-habitable area(medium-end project), shall be waterproofed by the addition of Cementaid HYDROPHOBIC POREBLOCKING INGREDIENT(HPI) named AQUAPEL10 PB REINFORCED System, in such a way that the concrete shall have a corrected 30 minute water absorption of not greater than 1.75 % as measured by BS 1881:Part 122:1983 except that the age at test shall be 7 days and shall complying with the AQUAPEL10 PB REINFORCED System minimum requirement stipulated below. The dosage of AQUAPEL10 PB REINFORCED shall be at the rate of 10 liters per cubic meter of concrete and shall be combined with Hyperplasticiser (SPC203) at 0.55% to 0.65% by weight of cement, so that the resulting (water+10)/cement ratio shall not be more than 0.36 and that the AQUAPEL10 PB REINFORCED concrete slump prior to placing is at 16 cm to 20 cm. AQUAPEL10 PB REINFORCED shall be incorporated with 0.60 kg of 12 mm anti-crack fiber to further reduce shrinkage crack. AQUAPEL10 PB REINFORCED concrete shall be cured using Cementaid CALCURE B*R at a rate of 1 liter per 5 to 8 m2.”

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